839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 37
721. The mair cost, the mair honour.
722. The mair haste, the war speed.
723. The Malt is above the Meal.
724. The mother of mischief is na mair nor a midgewing.
725. The mouth that lyes, slayes the foul.
726. The next time ye dance, wit whom ye take by the hand.
727. The Piper wants meikle, that wants the nether chafts.
728. The shots overgoes the old swine.
729. The Sowter's wife is worst shod.
730. The Tailours wife is worst clad.
731. The thing that is fristed, is not forgiven.
732. The tree falls not at the first strake.
733. The weakest goes to the walls.
734. The worst world that ever was, some man wan.
735. There are mae maidens, nor maukin.
736. There are mae wayes to the wood nor ane.
737. There are many fair words in the marriage making, but few in the tochergood paying.
738. There are many sooth words spoken in bourding.
739. There belongs mair to a bed nor four bare leggs.
740. There came never ill of good Advisement.