839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 38
741. There is a dog in the well.
742. There is little sap in dry peis hools.
743. There is little to the rake to get after the beisome.
744. There is many a fair thing full false.
745. There is meikle between word and deed.
746. There is meikle hid meat in a Goose eye.
747. There is na man so deaf as he that will not hear.
748. There is na thief without a Resetter.
749. There is no fool to an old fool.
750. There is no friend, to a friend in mister.
751. There is no medicine for fear.
752. There is none without a fault.
753. There is nothing mair precious nor time.
754. There is nothing so crouse, as a new washen louse.
755. There is remead for all things but starke dead.
756. There was never a Cake, but it had a make.
757. There was never a fair word in flyting.
758. They are as wife, as speir not.
759. They are good willy of their Horse that hes none.
760. They are lightly herrite, that hes all their awn.