839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 36
701. Sturt payes na Debt.
702. Surfeit slayes mae nor the sword.
703. Swear by your brunt shins.
704. Take a man by his word, and a Cow by her horn.
705. Take him up there with his five Egges, and four of them rotten.
706. Take part of the pelf when the pack is a dealing.
707. Take time while time is, for time will away.
708. Tarrowing bairns were never fat.
709. Teem bags rattles.
710. That which hussies spares, Cats eat.
711. The blind Horse is hardiest.
712. The Craw thinks her awn Bird fairest.
713. The day hes eyne, the night hes ears.
714. The goose-pan is above the roast.
715. The grace of God is geir enough.
716. The greatest Clerks are not the wisest men.
717. The higher up, the greater fall.
718. The lesse play the better.
719. The longer we live, the more farlies we see.
720. The mae the merrier, the fewer the better cheer.