839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 35
681. She is a sairy mouse, that hes but one Hole.
682. She that takes gifts her self, she sels; and she that gives, does nought else.
683. She's a foul bird that syles her own nest.
684. Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law.
685. Shod in the cradle, bair-foot in the Stubble.
686. Shro the ghuest the house is the war of.
687. Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company.
688. Sike answer as a man gives, sike will he get.
689. Sike father, sike son.
690. Sike lippes, sike Latace.
691. Sike man, sike master.
692. Sike Priest, sike Offering.
693. Small winning makes a heavy purse.
694. Soft fire makes sweet malt.
695. Sokeing sale is best.
696. Soon gotten, soon spended.
697. Soon ripe, soon rotten.
698. Sooth bourd is na bourd.
699. Speir at Jock-thief my marrow, if I be a leal man.
700. Spit on the Stane, and it will be wet at the last.