839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 5
81. A yule feast may be quit at Pasch.
82. Absence is a shro.
83. Airly crooks the Tree that good Lammock should be.
84. All are not maidens that wears bare hair.
85. All cracks, all beares.
86. All fails that fools thinks.
87. All fellows, Jock and the Laird.
88. All Houndlesse man comes to the best Hunting.
89. All is not gold that glitters.
90. All is not in hand that helps.
91. All is not tint that is in peril.
92. All is well that ends well.
93. All overs are ill but over the water.
94. All the Corn in the Country is not shorn by the Kempers.
95. All the Keys of the Countrey hangs not at one Belt.
96. All the speed is in the spurs.
97. All the winning is in the first buying.
98. All things are good unseyed.
99. All things hath a beginning, God excepted.
100. All things helps quoth the Wran, when she pisht in the Sea.