839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 4
61. A proud heart in a poor breast, has meikle dolour to dree.
62. A racklesse hussy makes mony thieves.
63. A Scots man is ay wife behind band.
64. A shored Tree stands long.
65. A silly bairn is eith to lear.
66. A Skabbed Horse is good enough for a skald Squire.
67. A skabbed sheep syles ail the flock.
68. A skade mans head is soon broke.
69. A sloathfull man is a Beggers brother.
70. A spoon full of skytter spills a pot full of skins.
71. A still Sow eats all the Draff.
72. A tarrowing bairn was never fat.
73. A teem purse makes a bleat merchant.
74. A tratler is worse then a thief.
75. A travelled man hath leave to lye.
76. A Vaunter and a Lyar is both one thing.
77. A wight man never wanted a weapon.
78. A Wool-seller kens a Wool-buyer.
79. A word before is worth two behinde.
80. A yeeld Sow was never good to gryses.