839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 24
461. It is not tint that is done to friends.
462. It is short while seen the louse boore the langelt.
463. It is true that all men sayes.
464. It is weil warit that wasters warn geir.
465. It is weil warit they have sorrow, that buyes it with their silver.
466. It is well said, but who will bell the Cat?
467. It that God will give, the Devil cannot reave.
468. It that lies not in your gate, breaks not your shins.
469. It will be an ill web to bleitch.
470. It will come in an hour, that will not come in a year.
471. It's a cold coal to blow at.
472. It's a fair dung bairn that dare not greit.
473. It's a silly pack that may not pay the custom.
474. It's tint that is done to old men and bairns.
475. Kail spares bread.
476. Kame single, kame fair.
477. Kamesters are ay creeshie.
478. Kindnesse cannot be bought for geir.
479. Kindnesse comes of will.
480. Kindnesse lies not ay in ane side of the house.