World Proverbs / Scotch Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 23

441. It is eith to swim where the head is hild up.. Scotch Proverb. It is eith to swim where the head is hild up.

442. It is fair in the hall, when beards wag all.. Scotch Proverb. It is fair in the hall, when beards wag all.

443. It is good baking besides meal.. Scotch Proverb. It is good baking besides meal.

444. It is good fishing in drumbling waters.. Scotch Proverb. It is good fishing in drumbling waters.

445. It is good mows that fills the wemb.. Scotch Proverb. It is good mows that fills the wemb.

446. It is good sleeping in a heal skin.. Scotch Proverb. It is good sleeping in a heal skin.

447. It is hard to fling at the brod, or kick at the prick.. Scotch Proverb. It is hard to fling at the brod, or kick at the prick.

448. It is hard to wive and thrive in a year.. Scotch Proverb. It is hard to wive and thrive in a year.

449. It is ill to bring but the thing that is not thereben.. Scotch Proverb. It is ill to bring but the thing that is not thereben.

450. It is ill to bring out of the flesh that is bred in the bene.. Scotch Proverb. It is ill to bring out of the flesh that is bred in the bene.

451. It is ill to draw a strea before an old Cat.. Scotch Proverb. It is ill to draw a strea before an old Cat.

452. It is ill to make a bowing horn of a tods tail.. Scotch Proverb. It is ill to make a bowing horn of a tods tail.

453. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.. Scotch Proverb. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.

454. It is kindly that the poke fair of the Herring.. Scotch Proverb. It is kindly that the poke fair of the Herring.

455. It is little of God's might, to make a poor man a Knight.. Scotch Proverb. It is little of God's might, to make a poor man a Knight.

456. It is na mair pitty to see a Woman greit, nor to see a Goose go barefoot.. Scotch Proverb. It is na mair pitty to see a Woman greit, nor to see a Goose go barefoot.

457. It is na play where ane greits, and another laughs.. Scotch Proverb. It is na play where ane greits, and another laughs.

458. It is na time to stoup when the head is off.. Scotch Proverb. It is na time to stoup when the head is off.

459. It is not good to want, and to have.. Scotch Proverb. It is not good to want, and to have.

460. It is not the habit that makes the Monck.. Scotch Proverb. It is not the habit that makes the Monck.

839 Scotch Proverbs, Page 23 of 42
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