832 Hungarian Proverbs / Page 39
761. They blow one stone.
762. They grind in two mills.
763. They have buried the hatchet.
764. They match as a stick in a quiver.
765. This is a veterinary horse.
766. This is already a gnawed bone.
767. This is but a hump on our backs.
768. This is not my table.
769. This is, what we experience, this is to be liked.
770. Three women, a goose and two women make a whole fair.
771. Time is money.
772. Time passes, it waits for nobody.
773. Tit for tat.
774. To an earthenware dish a wooden spoon.
775. To be silent is golden, to speak is silvern.
776. To err is human.
777. To get out of the bed on the wrong side.
778. To pull somebody by a wire.
779. To whom God gives an office, adds also senses to it.
780. Today it is enough to do it by one finger, tomorrow it will be necessary by ten nails.