832 Hungarian Proverbs / Page 38
741. There is a limit to everything.
742. There is a tile on the roof.
743. There is a way upwards and downwards too.
744. There is no coat big enough to hide both poverty and drunkenness.
745. There is no impossibility, only unwillingness.
746. There is no joy without sorrow.
747. There is no loaded cart which could not carry one more forkful.
748. There is no loss, which is not a gain for somebody.
749. There is no medicine against death.
750. There is no point in running ones head against the wall.
751. There is no rule without exception.
752. There is no worthless thing which could not be used something.
753. There is not only one pied dog in the world.
754. There is thick sandal leather on his face.
755. There must be order.
756. There will be no funeral songs out of this.
757. These was a dog-market in Buda only once.
758. They are as far apart as Mako is from Jerusalem.
759. They are as many as the Russians.
760. They are rowing in the same ship.