832 Hungarian Proverbs / Page 2
21. A fool stumbles twice at the same stone.
22. A golden key fits every door.
23. A good beginning is half success.
24. A good excuse is never bad.
25. A good neighbour is better than many bad kinsmen.
26. A good priest learns until his death.
27. A good wife is the crown of the house.
28. A great stone fell down from his heart.
29. A habit is first a wanderer, then a guest, and finally the boss.
30. A hasty work is seldom good.
31. A hen that cackles much lays only a few eggs.
32. A hungry pig dreams of acorns.
33. A king of Whitsuntide.
34. A lad on the dam.
35. A late repentance is a dogs idea.
36. A lazy man works twice.
37. A leopard cannot change his spots.
38. A liar is caught sooner than a lame dog.
39. A liar is not believed even if he tells the truth.
40. A little pot quickly boils.