157 Egyptian Proverbs / Page 5
81. Money is sweet balm.
82. More precious than our children are the children of our children.
83. My Ka dwells in my body. Insult it not.
84. Never speak untruth and falsity knowingly.
85. News that's for money today will be for free tomorrow.
86. Old countries don't disappear overnight; they stay for breakfast.
87. One should do nothing with a false heart.
88. One who drinks from the Nile must return.
89. One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights.
90. Pass by your enemy hungry but never naked.
91. Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone.
92. Pride feels no pain.
93. Pride goes before a fall.
94. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
95. Protect the flame of your candle and it will light more.
96. Put a rope around your neck and many will be happy to drag you along.
97. Put a stout heart to a steep hill.
98. Put a stout heart to a stey brae.
99. Put by for a rainy day.
100. Rather a piece of bread with a happy heart than wealth with grief.