157 Egyptian Proverbs / Page 8
141. When a whore repents she becomes a matchmaker.
142. When a woman is not singing, she is not working much either.
143. When He opens up His path, may He carry me along, safe and sound.
144. When I hear you, I believe you. When I see what you do, I'm surprised.
145. When the angels appear, the devils run away.
146. When the Angels arrive, the devils leave.
147. When the angels present themselves, the devils abscond.
148. When you speak, know that which can be brought against you.
149. When you're at the dealing table, always look for the sucker-- and make sure it isn't you.
150. Who has not done any evil act, his or her heart may be found right.
151. Whoever is ashamed to sleep with his wife will never have children.
152. Whoever lets himself be led by the heart will never lose his way.
153. Wise rising gives joy.
154. Wish thy friend joy of his journey, but pray in secret that he have no joy, for then may he return quickly to thee.
155. Yesterday's drunkenness will not quench today's thirst.
156. Your friend chooses pebbles for you and your enemy counts your faults.
157. Youth is beauty, even in cattle.