344 Corsican Proverbs / Page 5
81. Don't trust a trained louse.
82. Don't worry about the weather or the government.
83. Dress up a rod, it looks like a baron. Dress up a stick of heather, it looks like a lady.
84. Dry August, chestnuts at every step.
85. Dry March, good for beehives and rams.
86. Even fleas want to cough.
87. Even honors are punishments.
88. Even the king saves his money.
89. Every bed has lice.
90. Every blind man weeps for his eyes.
91. Every cat has a proper tail. Over there is a cat with no tail.
92. Every century, water finds its riverbed.
93. Every fool follows their idea.
94. Every opportunity passed is lost.
95. Every source flows to the sea.
96. Everyone cries with their eyes.
97. Everyone drinks with their mouth.
98. Everyone knows what's cooking in their pot.
99. Everyone tries to make the water flow to his mill.
100. February has seven hats.