344 Corsican Proverbs / Page 4
61. Carnival on the balcony, Easter by the fire.
62. Christ doesn't pay every Friday evening.
63. Christmas on the balcony, Easter by the fire.
64. Ccciula made by three is neither a failure nor a success.
65. Coins are round and come and go.
66. Company drags a man to the scaffold.
67. Courage cannot be bought at the inn.
68. Crows with crows and ravens with ravens.
69. Cut me, prune me. Burn me, compost me.
70. Disorder brings about order.
71. Do no evil, it's a sin. Do no good, it's no use.
72. Dogs bark and cows chew grass.
73. Doing that which has been done to us is not a sin.
74. Don't call a man who has a field in Valgonu "poor".
75. Don't judge your life before it has ended.
76. Don't let children or pups get accustomed to your soup bowl.
77. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
78. Don't poop in a field and don't talk in a forest.
79. Don't scoff at my mourning - mine is old and yours is recent.
80. Don't start braiding your rope on a Monday or a Friday.