472 Proverbs about Sure / Page 18
341. The ox when most weary is most surefooted.
342. The pleasures of love are enhanced by injuries.
343. The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor.
344. The pleasures we enjoy are lost by coveting more.
345. The remembrance of past pleasures adds to present sorrows.
346. Use not coercive measures against those in authority.
347. We can enjoy nothing without some one to share the pleasure.
348. Wherever a man dwells, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door.
349. Censure pardons the ravens but rebukes the doves.
350. When building a house, don't measure the timbers in the forest.
351. Truthfulness ensures a lasting relationship.
352. The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor.
353. Slow but sure.
354. Measure is treasure.
355. Measure for measure.
356. No pleasure without pain.
357. Short pleasure, long pain.
358. After pleasure comes pain.
359. A good friend is a treasure.
360. Stolen pleasures are sweet.
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