472 Proverbs about Sure / Page 24
461. The vulture perches on the trees because it does not feel sure on the groung.
462. Our pleasures are shallow, our sorrows are deep.
463. When the treasure chest is open, even the just man sins.
464. You have cast away your own for that which you are not sure of.
465. To be sure that your friend is a friend, you must go with him on a journey, travel with him day and night, go with him near and far.
466. If you care for healing the tooth of a Tutsi that he recovers, he will surely bite you to-morrow.
467. You are sure to marry a woman either beautiful or ugly; If ugly she will be a punishment; if beautiful, you will share her with others. Therefore do not marry.
468. Never marry an heiress, unless her father has been hanged. She is sure to be proud.
469. The greatest pleasure in life lies in doing that which people say we cannot do.
470. To chalk out preventive measures in good time before an emergency is much warranted.
471. Do not measure the timbers for your house in the forest.
472. Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends.
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