World Proverbs

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480 Proverbs about Rich / Page 9

161. All water flows into the ocean or into the purse of the rich.. Danish Proverb. All water flows into the ocean or into the purse of the rich.
Danish Proverb

162. Children are a poor man's riches.. Danish Proverb. Children are a poor man's riches.
Danish Proverb

163. Misfortune sits on a rich man's lap but grabs the throat of the pauper.. Danish Proverb. Misfortune sits on a rich man's lap but grabs the throat of the pauper.
Danish Proverb

164. No one is so rich that he can do without a good neighbor.. Danish Proverb. No one is so rich that he can do without a good neighbor.
Danish Proverb

165. Better poor on land than rich at sea.. Danish Proverb. Better poor on land than rich at sea.
Danish Proverb

166. Poor men take to the sea; the rich to the mountains.. Irish Proverb. Poor men take to the sea; the rich to the mountains.
Irish Proverb

167. The right time to dine is: for the rich man, when he is hungry; and for the poor, when he has something to eat.. Irish Proverb. The right time to dine is: for the rich man, when he is hungry; and for the poor, when he has something to eat.
Irish Proverb

168. Poor men take to the sea, the rich to the mountains.. Irish Proverb. Poor men take to the sea, the rich to the mountains.
Irish Proverb

169. I would rather have a clever woman than a rich one.. Irish Proverb. I would rather have a clever woman than a rich one.
Irish Proverb

170. A penny in a poor man's pocket is better than two pennies in a rich man's pocket.. Irish Proverb. A penny in a poor man's pocket is better than two pennies in a rich man's pocket.
Irish Proverb

171. It is better to be born lucky than rich.. Irish Proverb. It is better to be born lucky than rich.
Irish Proverb

172. Only the rich can afford compassion.. Irish Proverb. Only the rich can afford compassion.
Irish Proverb

173. The rich man's wealth tires the poor man's jaw.. Kurdish Proverb. The rich man's wealth tires the poor man's jaw.
Kurdish Proverb

174. The person seeking India's riches must have them within himself.. Spanish Proverb. The person seeking India's riches must have them within himself.
Spanish Proverb

175. They are rich who have friends.. Spanish Proverb. They are rich who have friends.
Spanish Proverb

176. He that is rich will not be called a fool.. Spanish Proverb. He that is rich will not be called a fool.
Spanish Proverb

177. He who is contented is not always rich.. Spanish Proverb. He who is contented is not always rich.
Spanish Proverb

178. Always be patient with the rich and powerful.. Spanish Proverb. Always be patient with the rich and powerful.
Spanish Proverb

179. He who wants to bring home the riches of India, he must have them within himself.. Spanish Proverb. He who wants to bring home the riches of India, he must have them within himself.
Spanish Proverb

180. He who would be rich should not collect money, but reduce his needs.. Spanish Proverb. He who would be rich should not collect money, but reduce his needs.
Spanish Proverb

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