World Proverbs

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480 Proverbs about Rich

1. A good name is a rich inheritance.. German Proverb. A good name is a rich inheritance.
German Proverb

2. A thief seldom grows rich by thieving.. German Proverb. A thief seldom grows rich by thieving.
German Proverb

3. All wooers are rich, and all captives poor.. German Proverb. All wooers are rich, and all captives poor.
German Proverb

4. Charity gives itself rich, covetousness hoards itself poor.. German Proverb. Charity gives itself rich, covetousness hoards itself poor.
German Proverb

5. He is rich enough who is contented.. German Proverb. He is rich enough who is contented.
German Proverb

6. If the servant grows rich and the master poor, they are both good for nothing.. German Proverb. If the servant grows rich and the master poor, they are both good for nothing.
German Proverb

7. No pride like that of an enriched beggar.. German Proverb. No pride like that of an enriched beggar.
German Proverb

8. Rich gamblers and old trumpeters are rare.. German Proverb. Rich gamblers and old trumpeters are rare.
German Proverb

9. Rich people are everywhere at home.. German Proverb. Rich people are everywhere at home.
German Proverb

10. Riches abuse them who know not how to use them.. German Proverb. Riches abuse them who know not how to use them.
German Proverb

11. Riches cause arrogance; poverty, meekness.. German Proverb. Riches cause arrogance; poverty, meekness.
German Proverb

12. The poor must dance as the rich pipe.. German Proverb. The poor must dance as the rich pipe.
German Proverb

13. We give to the rich, and take from the poor.. German Proverb. We give to the rich, and take from the poor.
German Proverb

14. When a man is rich, he begins to save.. German Proverb. When a man is rich, he begins to save.
German Proverb

15. Who would be rich, must keep his soul under cover of his cash-box.. German Proverb. Who would be rich, must keep his soul under cover of his cash-box.
German Proverb

16. Contentment is worth more than riches.. German Proverb. Contentment is worth more than riches.
German Proverb

17. Avarice hoards itself poor; charity gives itself rich.. German Proverb. Avarice hoards itself poor; charity gives itself rich.
German Proverb

18. Where friends, there riches.. German Proverb. Where friends, there riches.
German Proverb

19. All ask if a man be rich, no one if he be good.. German Proverb. All ask if a man be rich, no one if he be good.
German Proverb

20. Fools live poor to die rich.. German Proverb. Fools live poor to die rich.
German Proverb

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