480 Proverbs about Rich / Page 6
101. Everyone is weary: the poor in seeking, the rich in keeping, the good in learning.
102. Almsgiving never impoverished, stealing never enriched, and prosperity never made wise.
103. Where there are poor, there are rich. But where there is justice, they are all brothers.
104. If a rich man ate a snake, they would say it was because of his wisdom; if a poor man ate it, they would say it was because of his stupidity.
105. When a rich man wants children, he gets dollars, when a poor man wants dollars, he gets children.
106. Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
107. When a woman cannot have good palm-nuts to give her rich oil, she still has to maintain decency in order to remain one of those that sell good quality oil.
108. Beetles that roll balls out of human faeces demand to be hidden away from the rich man, because there is nothing he wouldn't buy.
109. He who has people is richer than he who has money.
110. Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.
111. If you get rich, be in a dark corner when you jump for joy.
112. People think that the poor are not as wise as the rich, for if a man be wise, why is he poor?
113. If stretching were wealth, the cat would be rich.
114. When you are rich, you are hated; when you are poor, you are despised.
115. Having a good discussion is like having riches.
116. A man with a good will is not only rich but also wise.
117. He who has brothers has more than riches can buy.
118. He who has people is richer than he who has money.
119. He who knows that he has enough is rich.
120. No matter how poor a village, there is always one rich man.
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