World Proverbs

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349 Proverbs about Rest / Page 17

321. Taking a bite of the bread restores your appetite.. Sicilian Proverb. Taking a bite of the bread restores your appetite.
Sicilian Proverb

322. Bed rest cures a hurt leg and a sling heals a hurting arm.. Sicilian Proverb. Bed rest cures a hurt leg and a sling heals a hurting arm.
Sicilian Proverb

323. How much is prestige worth, not as much as Palermo, if you take away the saints.. Sicilian Proverb. How much is prestige worth, not as much as Palermo, if you take away the saints.
Sicilian Proverb

324. Who fails to show restraint in their youth, will be miserable in their old age.. Sicilian Proverb. Who fails to show restraint in their youth, will be miserable in their old age.
Sicilian Proverb

325. Whoever goes on foot during April and May, goes on horseback the rest of the year.. Sicilian Proverb. Whoever goes on foot during April and May, goes on horseback the rest of the year.
Sicilian Proverb

326. You're wasting your time trying to interest the old in new endeavors.. Sicilian Proverb. You're wasting your time trying to interest the old in new endeavors.
Sicilian Proverb

327. How beautiful is it to do nothing, and then rest afterward.. Traditional Proverb. How beautiful is it to do nothing, and then rest afterward.
Traditional Proverb

328. The food is half the provisions, the rest is herring and potatoes.. Scanian Proverb. The food is half the provisions, the rest is herring and potatoes.
Scanian Proverb

329. Wrong cannot rest, nor ill deed stand.. Scottish Gaelic Proverb. Wrong cannot rest, nor ill deed stand.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb

330. You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.. African Congo Proverb. You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.
African Congo Proverb

331. A forest cannot be cut with a broken axe.. Bantandu proverb. A forest cannot be cut with a broken axe.
Bantandu Proverb

332. Even if thin, the elephant remains the king of the forest.. Duala proverb. Even if thin, the elephant remains the king of the forest.
Duala Proverb

333. If a bird does not recognise a tree, it will not rest on it.. Duala proverb. If a bird does not recognise a tree, it will not rest on it.
Duala Proverb

334. We rest our legs, but never our mouths.. Bahaya proverb. We rest our legs, but never our mouths.
Bahaya Proverb

335. Who gets lost in the forest takes it out on who leads him back to the right road.. Ekonda proverb. Who gets lost in the forest takes it out on who leads him back to the right road.
Ekonda Proverb

336. Those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water.. Sukuma proverb. Those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water.
Sukuma Proverb

337. The bird has no nest, but a branch to rest on.. Bangwana proverb. The bird has no nest, but a branch to rest on.
Bangwana Proverb

338. Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest.. Western African proverb. Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest.
Western African Proverb

339. Even the mightest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest.. Uganda Proverb. Even the mightest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest.
Uganda Proverb

340. Even the mightiest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest.. Uganda Proverb. Even the mightiest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest.
Uganda Proverb

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