349 Proverbs about Rest / Page 16
301. The day is for working, the night is for resting.
302. Without the forest, there will be no more water, without water, there will be no more rice.
303. The ears do not lose their interest.
304. He that owes the Cow goes nearest her tail.
305. He is fairest dung when his own wand dings him.
306. Neirest the King, neirest the Widdie.
307. Neirest the heart, neirest the mouth.
308. Neirest to the Kirk, farthest fra God.
309. Quhen the belly is full the bones would be at rest.
310. The Craw thinks her awn Bird fairest.
311. When the branches of trees in the forest are fighting, the roots are kissing.
312. It is better to walk fast than to grow angry at the forest.
313. Not all the trees in the forest make good firewood.
314. Don't poop in a field and don't talk in a forest.
315. Receive and rejoice, Antonio, it's your celebration; always receive and never restrain.
316. A deer tethered with a golden chain can escape to the forest to eat grass.
317. Often a branch is broken off the tree by the one who has rested in its shadow.
318. Old canoes can be restored, but youth and beauty cannot.
319. If the dowry doesn't support her, even the executioner is disinterested.
320. Dry your feet and warm your head, and don't worry about the rest.
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