492 Proverbs about Poor / Page 15
281. A traveller is poor, even though he being a ruler.
282. One who always depends on his brother will die poor.
283. Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
284. He that learns naught will never know how one is the fool of another, for if one be rich another is poor and for that should bear no blame.
285. Philosophy means being able to explain why you are happy when you are poor.
286. Compromise makes a good umbrella but a poor roof.
287. Ability is the poor man's wealth.
288. The forest is the poor man's overcoat.
289. Hope is a good breakfast, but a poor supper.
290. A poor man is always behind.
291. Republicans will do anything for the poor except get off their backs.
292. The rich get richer, and the poor get babies.
293. It's a poor frog who doesn't play with his own pond.
294. Lime and lime without manure makes the farmer rich and the son poor.
295. Thanks is poor pay on which to keep a family.
296. The daughter of a spry old woman makes a poor housekeeper.
297. A doctor will take care of the rich man; the poor man is cured with work.
298. If the farmer is poor then so is the whole country.
299. It is a poor parish where the priest has to ring his own bells.
300. The rich man gets his ice in the summer and the poor man gets his in the winter.
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