492 Proverbs about Poor / Page 25
481. Nobody grumbles at being rich, all at being poor.
482. A man is poor not because he scorns possessions, but because he possesses nothing.
483. God loves him who cares for the poor more than him who respects the wealthy.
484. The idle remarks of the rich are taken as maxims of wisdom by the poor.
485. 'what shall i add for the poor?' asked god. 'fingernails and itch,' answered the poor.
486. If the rich could hire someone else to die for them, the poor would make a wonderful living.
487. Growl not at guests, nor drive them from the gate but show thyself gentle to the poor.
488. As poor as a church mouse.
489. Better to be poor and honest than to be rich and lying.
490. If you would grow poor without knowing it, put your helpers to work and go to sleep
491. Learning is fine clothes for the rich man, and riches for the poor man.
492. Poor, poor for ever.
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