492 Proverbs about Poor / Page 12
221. Every rock strikes the feet of the poor.
222. A greedy man is always poor.
223. Rather be a slave to a rich man than the spouse of a poor man.
224. The poor looks for food and the rich man for appetite.
225. The voice of the poor has no echo.
226. There is a great uproar made about the debt of a poor man.
227. Who is blind? He who can see no other world. Who is dumb? He who can say nothing pleasant about his lot. Who is poor? He who is troubled with too many desires. Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot.
228. Home is home, however poor it may be.
229. When the sea turned into honey, the poor man lost his spoon.
230. Burning the poor man's candles, counting the rich man's money.
231. When the sea turned to honey, the poor man lost his spoon.
232. The night's too short to warrant marrying poor.
233. All the cones drop on poor makar.
234. No one knows how the poor man dines.
235. For a poor man, to prepare for a trip means belt himself.
236. If a poor man finds a penny, it is probably a false one.
237. If rubles fell from heaven the poor would have no bag.
238. In a fight the rich man tries to save his face, the poor man his coat.
239. The poorer, the more generous.
240. If everyone gives one thread, the poor man will have a shirt.
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