471 Proverbs about Learn / Page 12
221. What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.
222. What the colt learns in youth his continues in old age.
223. One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it.
224. Courteous men learn courtesy from the discourteous.
225. It takes two days to learn everything about a man; to know animals you will need more time.
226. Learn good manners from those who don't have them.
227. Learning is a treasure no thief can touch.
228. Man learns from the cradle to the grave.
229. A spoon does not know the taste of soup, nor a learned fool the taste of wisdom.
230. One learns as long as one lives and still dies a fool.
231. Each day learns from the one before it, but no day teaches the one after it.
232. The dog learns to swim when the water reaches his ears.
233. Wisdom is born; stupidity is learned.
234. You don't learn anything from buying, but you do from selling.
235. Live for a century — learn for a century.
236. If you learn a lot, you'll age soon.
237. Do not teach a learned person.
238. Reperition is a mother of learning.
239. He that would learn to pray, let him go to sea.
240. Mix with your neighbors, and you learn what's doing in your own house.
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