471 Proverbs about Learn / Page 11
201. Italians talk to women, Frenchmen to the learned, and the Spaniard talks to God.
202. Learn from your tears and you will win laughing.
203. Men can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools ever known were learned men.
204. One cannot learn to swim in a field.
205. Learning is better than house and land.
206. A man may learn wit every day.
207. We must learn from life how to suffer it.
208. No person is too old to learn.
209. He who teaches, learns.
210. One must learn to be bored.
211. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.
212. On a fool's beard the barber learns to shave.
213. A handful of good life is better than seven barrels of learning.
214. A wise man may learn of a fool.
215. By writing we learn to write.
216. If a man would learn to pray let him go often to sea.
217. John has been to school to learn to be a fool.
218. Learning is there for every man.
219. One learns by failing.
220. We must learn to walk before we can run.
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