253 Proverbs about High / Page 8
141. The former highwayman men are the best gendarmes.
142. Come hell or high water.
143. God has taken him to a high position.
144. He who climbs high, has a great fall.
145. Even the highway leading to Hell is paved with good intentions.
146. It is not good to eat cherries from the same dish with persons of high rank.
147. Children tell in the highway what they hear by the fireside.
148. Don't leave the high road for a short cut.
149. Don't let your sorrow come higher than your knees.
150. Though the heron flied high the falcon kills it.
151. Every peddler speaks highly about his own needles.
152. If you reach for the highest of ideals, you shouldn't settle for less than the stars.
153. Higher than the heavens.
154. He whose ace gets cut on, gets his underpants off. When you cut, cut high. The Third Hand is the highest hand.
155. When tide is high, it ebbs.
156. Two heads cut off and thrown high into the tree have only the winds with which to scheme..
157. A farmer on his knees is higher than a gentleman on his legs.
158. Higher duties mean greater responsibilities.
159. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
160. The higher they fly, the harder they fall.
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