253 Proverbs about High / Page 13
241. For women the highest state is the married state.
242. If the mare jumps, the filly will jump higher.
243. Meager possessions are highly valued.
244. A chip on the shoulder indicates wood higher up.
245. No price is too low for a bear or too high for a bull.
246. High calling brings a high fall.
247. God is high above, and Russia is far away.
248. The person who deals in camels should make the doors high.
249. My Uncle is sick, but the highway is green.
250. De higher de monkey climb, de more he does show he tail.
251. 'Kanywanjui' scratches its thigh.
252. A bird flies high above and its funeral is performed on the ground.
253. The lizard that lives high up in iroko tree does not hear the lions roar.
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