253 Proverbs about High / Page 2
21. The higher the bell is hung, the shriller it sounds.
22. The higher the monkey goes the more he shows his tail.
23. The sweetest grapes hang highest.
24. To remain young while growing old is the highest blessing.
25. What is too high, that let fly.
26. In strategy, secrecy is highly regarded.
27. In a quarrel, the higher voiced person will win.
28. The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.
29. The goodness of the father reaches higher than a mountain; that of the mother goes deeper than the ocean.
30. If you wish to learn the highest truths, begin with the alphabet.
31. I would like to break off the flower, but the branch is too high.
32. Mountains are not esteemed because they are high, but because they have trees.
33. Even when a samurai has not eaten, he holds his toothpick high.
34. Respect for one's parents is the highest duty of civil life.
35. A one hundred yard high tower still has its foundation on the ground.
36. A person of high principles is one who can watch an entire chess game without making a comment.
37. A man of high principles is someone who can watch a chess game without passing comment.
38. Once bitten by an adder, you will never walk through the high grass again.
39. Respect for ones parents is the highest duty of civil life.
40. The dragon teaches you that if you want to climb high you have to do it against the wind.
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