988 Proverbs about Give / Page 35
681. Those who give have all things; those who withhold have nothing.
682. To give quickly is a great virtue.
683. Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.
684. Give an extra piece of cake to a stepchild.
685. Thunder clouds do not always give rain.
686. Because the cat was given no meat, he said it was Friday.
687. Give a horse to the one who likes the truth so that on it he can escape.
688. No one will give a pauper bread, but everybody will give him advice.
689. Wealth can give legs to the cripple, beauty to the ugly, and sympathy to tears.
690. What nature gives us is not refused.
691. I give thee flight without wings.
692. If a man gives you a basket to carry water, it means that he hates you.
693. Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow.
694. The child who is given everything he asks for usually won't succeed in life.
695. The person who gives away his belongings will slowly become a beggar.
696. Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
697. Give the Goddess her due, even when her due is grief.
698. On an uphill road, give your horse his reins.
699. Take care how you beseech the gods for a gift, for they will give it to you.
700. Better a goat that can give milk than a cow that cannot.
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