World Proverbs

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988 Proverbs about Give / Page 34

661. Beware of him who gives you advice according to his own interests.. Hebrew Proverb. Beware of him who gives you advice according to his own interests.
Hebrew Proverb

662. Give me good advice but don't advise me not to do it.. Hebrew Proverb. Give me good advice but don't advise me not to do it.
Hebrew Proverb

663. It is fitting for a great God to forgive great sinners.. Hebrew Proverb. It is fitting for a great God to forgive great sinners.
Hebrew Proverb

664. The well that is most often used gives the purest water.. Hebrew Proverb. The well that is most often used gives the purest water.
Hebrew Proverb

665. When god chooses to give, it shall come in through the door.. Haitian Proverb. When god chooses to give, it shall come in through the door.
Haitian Proverb

666. The bocor gives you a protective charm, but he doesn't tell you to sleep in the middle of the highway.. Haitian Proverb. The bocor gives you a protective charm, but he doesn't tell you to sleep in the middle of the highway.
Haitian Proverb

667. Wise rising gives joy.. Egyptian Proverb. Wise rising gives joy.
Egyptian Proverb

668. If there were no wrongdoing, there would be no forgiveness.. Egyptian Proverb. If there were no wrongdoing, there would be no forgiveness.
Egyptian Proverb

669. Give saturday, you will find sunday.. Egyptian Proverb. Give saturday, you will find sunday.
Egyptian Proverb

670. He who steals in order to give to god can only get advice from the devil.. Nicaraguan Proverb. He who steals in order to give to god can only get advice from the devil.
Nicaraguan Proverb

671. A favor given to man is appreciated by none.. Nicaraguan Proverb. A favor given to man is appreciated by none.
Nicaraguan Proverb

672. There's nobody can prevent you getting into heaven, but there are many always ready to give you a shove into hell.. Nicaraguan Proverb. There's nobody can prevent you getting into heaven, but there are many always ready to give you a shove into hell.
Nicaraguan Proverb

673. If God gives you leprosy, look to your own past misdeeds.. Zimbabwean Proverb. If God gives you leprosy, look to your own past misdeeds.
Zimbabwean Proverb

674. The old man gives the best advice.. Zimbabwean Proverb. The old man gives the best advice.
Zimbabwean Proverb

675. One good punch on your enemy's nose, gives more pleasure than hearing well-meaning advice from your elders.. Tibetan Proverb. One good punch on your enemy's nose, gives more pleasure than hearing well-meaning advice from your elders.
Tibetan Proverb

676. God gave teeth; He will give bread.. Lithuanian Proverb. God gave teeth; He will give bread.
Lithuanian Proverb

677. It is easier to give orders than to work.. Lithuanian Proverb. It is easier to give orders than to work.
Lithuanian Proverb

678. Who gives, has.. Lithuanian Proverb. Who gives, has.
Lithuanian Proverb

679. Don't give cherries to pigs or advice to fools.. Gaelic Proverb. Don't give cherries to pigs or advice to fools.
Gaelic Proverb

680. They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.. Hindu Proverb. They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.
Hindu Proverb

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