1553 Proverbs about Every / Page 36
701. Every age wants its playthings.
702. Every art requires the open person.
703. Every doctor thinks his pills are the best.
704. Every fox carries his tail his own way.
705. Every mother-in-law is a piece of the devil's pants.
706. Every one says: My right is good.
707. Every wise man is afraid of a fool.
708. Every woman needs two men -- one to be married to and the other to compare.
709. Everybody has a hump when he stoops.
710. Everyone according to their talent and every talent according to its work.
711. Everyone blames his memory, but never his judgement.
712. Everything comes to the man who does not need it.
713. He who has everything is content with nothing.
714. He who is hopeless is capable of everything.
715. He who sows everywhere harvests nowhere.
716. Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.
717. Every person is observant to the flaws of others and blind to his own flaws.
718. I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me.
719. Every disease has a medicine except for death.
720. For every glance behind us, we have to look twice to the future.
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