1553 Proverbs about Every / Page 35
681. Every cloud has a silver lining.
682. Every coin has two sides.
683. Every day is a new beginning.
684. Every disease will have its course.
685. Every dog has its day.
686. Every man has a price.
687. Every rule has its exception.
688. Everything comes to him who waits.
689. Everything's eventual.
690. Every why has a wherefore.
691. Salvage Something From Every Setback.
692. When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
693. The town is new every day.
694. Singing "Alleluia" everywhere does not prove piety.
695. Children who get everything they ask for seldom succeed in life.
696. There's a crocodile in every big river.
697. Every rock strikes the feet of the poor.
698. After every darkness is light.
699. Everyone knows the bear, but the bear knows no one.
700. To an optimist every weed is a flower; to a pessimist every flower is a weed.
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