World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

268 Proverbs about Care / Page 8

141. A full pistol scares one person, an emty one scares forty people.. Turkish proverb. A full pistol scares one person, an emty one scares forty people.
Turkish Proverb

142. He that speaks without care shall remember with sorrow.. Turkish proverb. He that speaks without care shall remember with sorrow.
Turkish Proverb

143. The one who burns his mouth for drinking milk too hot, eats even yogurt carefully.. Turkish proverb. The one who burns his mouth for drinking milk too hot, eats even yogurt carefully.
Turkish Proverb

144. Leave others in peace, care for yourself.. Hungarian Proverb. Leave others in peace, care for yourself.
Hungarian Proverb

145. We do not care for the little and the great is of no importance.. Hungarian Proverb. We do not care for the little and the great is of no importance.
Hungarian Proverb

146. The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.. Hungarian Proverb. The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.
Hungarian Proverb

147. Children married, cares increased.. Portuguese Proverb. Children married, cares increased.
Portuguese Proverb

148. Much coin, much care.. Portuguese Proverb. Much coin, much care.
Portuguese Proverb

149. The mare's kicks are caresses to the colt.. Portuguese Proverb. The mare's kicks are caresses to the colt.
Portuguese Proverb

150. Do good, and care not to whom.. Portuguese Proverb. Do good, and care not to whom.
Portuguese Proverb

151. Your tongue is like a horse--if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you treat it badly, it treats you badly.. Arabic Proverb. Your tongue is like a horse--if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you treat it badly, it treats you badly.
Arabic Proverb

152. Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil.. Arabic Proverb. Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil.
Arabic Proverb

153. More careful than an ant.. Arabic Proverb. More careful than an ant.
Arabic Proverb

154. With carefulness you realize your opportunity.. Arabic Proverb. With carefulness you realize your opportunity.
Arabic Proverb

155. Your tongue is your horse— if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you betray it, betrays it will.. Arabic Proverb. Your tongue is your horse— if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you betray it, betrays it will.
Arabic Proverb

156. He who selects coconut with great care ends up getting a bad coconut.. Swahili proverb. He who selects coconut with great care ends up getting a bad coconut.
Swahili Proverb

157. Care shall gnaw thy heart if thou canst not tell all thy mind to another.. Norse Proverb. Care shall gnaw thy heart if thou canst not tell all thy mind to another.
Norse Proverb

158. If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself.. American Proverb. If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself.
American Proverb

159. Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of your widow's next husband.. American Proverb. Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of your widow's next husband.
American Proverb

160. Careless hurry may cause endless regret.. American Proverb. Careless hurry may cause endless regret.
American Proverb

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