268 Proverbs about Care / Page 7
121. A galled horse does not care to be curried.
122. A man who has but one eye must take good care of it.
123. He is past preaching to who does not care to do well.
124. He who caresses thee more than the occasion justifies, has either deceived thee or intends it.
125. He who wants to travel far takes care of his beast.
126. To scare a bird is not the way to catch it.
127. Be careful for deep water and dogs that do not bark.
128. If you can't be good, be careful.
129. If you can't be good, then be careful.
130. Something well cared for lasts two centuries.
131. Take care of your dress from when it's new and your honor from your youth.
132. The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
133. We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost.
134. God takes care of the one who takes care of himself.
135. Take care of clothes since they are new, take care of your honor since you are young.
136. Once you have fallen into the water, you're not scared of water any more.
137. If you are going to do something carelessly, it is better to give it up entirely.
138. Don't be scared when you have no other choice.
139. Provide for the worst; the best can take care of itself.
140. Care for your horse as a friend; ride it as if it were an enemy.
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