440 Proverbs about Bird / Page 13
241. The first [cup of vodka] goes as a stake, the second as a falcon, and the third as a little bird.
242. You know a bird from the way he flies.
243. The first goes as a stake, the second as a falcon, and the third as a little bird.
244. A bird is known by his feathers.
245. For the birds that cannot soar, God has provided low branches.
246. Killing two birds with one stone.
247. God made low branches for birds that cannot fly so well.
248. One arrow does not bring down two birds.
249. A bird will not fly with one wing.
250. One cannot eat the meat of every bird.
251. It is an ugly bird that defiles its own nest.
252. A bird is recognized by her feathers, a man by his friend.
253. You haven't yet caught the bird, still you are already plucking her.
254. To the child and the little bird, God catches the fall.
255. A bird in the hand is more worth than two flying.
256. Throwing your cap at a bird is not the way to catch it.
257. It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.
258. Birds of prey do not flock together.
259. Do not rear a bird of a bad breed.
260. Ill fares the young bird in the urchin's hand.
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