440 Proverbs about Bird / Page 12
221. It is too late for the bird to scream when it is caught.
222. Little by little the bird builds its nest.
223. The bird ought not to soil its own nest.
224. The early bird catches the early worm.
225. The early bird catches the worm.
226. The early bird catcheth the worm.
227. To every bird its nest seems fair.
228. To scare a bird is not the way to catch it.
229. Too late the bird cries out when it is caught.
230. When the cage is ready the bird is flown.
231. The tulip is, among flowers, what the peacock is among birds. A tulip lacks scent, a peacock has an unpleasant voice. The one takes pride in its garb, the other in its tail.
232. It's a brave bird that makes its nest in the cat's ear.
233. What is sport to the boy is the death of the bird.
234. You should not call in a cat to settle the argument of two birds.
235. Birds of a color fly to the same place.
236. Birds of the same colour fly to the same place.
237. Every bird relishes his own voice.
238. A bird may be known by its flight.
239. As chicken is not a bird, woman is not a human being.
240. A wife should be as humble as a lamb, busy as a bee, as beautiful as a bird of paradise and faithful as a turtle dove.
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