2246 Spanish Proverbs / Page 75
1481. Sow dry and set wet.
1482. Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little.
1483. Spanish is the language of lovers, Italian is for the singer, French for diplomats, and German for horses.
1484. Speak not ill of the year until it is past.
1485. Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them.
1486. Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim.
1487. Spilled wine is a sign of happiness, but break the bed and all will have long faces.
1488. Spring is in the air. The sap rises in the spring.
1489. Stars are not seen by sunshine.
1490. Stealing would be a nice thing, if thieves were hanged by the girdle.
1491. Steel whets steel.
1492. Store is no sore.
1493. Stubborn men make lawyers.
1494. Such awkward things will happen as going into the great square and coming back without ears.
1495. Sugared words generally prove bitter.
1496. Suppers have killed more than doctors have ever cured.
1497. Take away the motive, and the sin is taken away.
1498. Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love.
1499. Take hold of a good minute.
1500. Take in laundry before you take in partners.