2246 Spanish Proverbs / Page 72
1421. Secret of patience is to do something else in the meantime.
1422. See how he has risen from a mayor to a hangman.
1423. See that you tie so that you can untie.
1424. See to it that you have many books and many friends -- but be sure they are good ones.
1425. See, hear, and hold your tongue.
1426. Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.
1427. Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.
1428. Sell publicly and buy privately.
1429. Sense comes with age.
1430. Servants make the worst masters.
1431. Serve a lord and you'll know what is grief.
1432. Set a peasant on horseback, and he forgets both God and man.
1433. Set a sprat to catch a mackerel.
1434. Set a thief to catch a thief.
1435. Seven brothers in a council make wrong right.
1436. Seven is company, and nine confusion.
1437. She is fond of greens who kisses the gardener.
1438. She is good and honoured who is dead and buried.
1439. She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn.
1440. She is nether fish nor fowl.