2246 Spanish Proverbs / Page 42
821. He who trifles with his enemy dies by his hand.
822. He who wants a mule without fault must walk on foot.
823. He who wants to be rich in a year comes to the gallows in half a year.
824. He who wants to bring home the riches of India, he must have them within himself.
825. He who wants to catch fish must not mind a wetting.
826. He who wants to kill his dog only has to say he is mad.
827. He who was first an acolyte, and afterwards an abbot or curate, knows what the boys do behind the altar.
828. He who works on the highway will have many advisers.
829. He who would be rich should not collect money, but reduce his needs.
830. He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.
831. He who would cheat the fox must rise early.
832. He who would take must give.
833. He who would thrive must follow the church, the sea, or the king's service.
834. He whose house is tiled with glass should not throw stones at his neighbour's.
835. He will never worship well the image on the altar who knew it when it was a trunk of wood in the garden.
836. Health and cheerfulness make beauty; finery and cosmetics cost money and lie.
837. Health is better than wealth.
838. Hear first, and speak afterwards.
839. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
840. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.