2246 Spanish Proverbs / Page 34
661. He that is rich will not be called a fool.
662. He that makes one basket can make a hundred.
663. He that marries a widow will often have a dead man's head thrown into the dish.
664. He that minds his business at home, will not be accused of taking part in the fray.
665. He that neglects time, time will neglect.
666. He that stirs honey will have some of it stick to him.
667. He that ties well, unties well.
668. He that trusts a faithless friend, has a good witness against him.
669. He that will not when he can, cannot when he will.
670. He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
671. He that would be healthy must wear his winter clothes in summer.
672. He that would have a beautiful wife should choose her on a Saturday.
673. He that would have the fruit must climb the tree.
674. He to whom God gives no sons, the devil gives nephews.
675. He who always tells me a lie never cheats me.
676. He who asks the fewest favors is the best received.
677. He who asks the fewest favours is the best received.
678. He who at thirty has no brains, will never purchase an estate.
679. He who at twenty understands nothing, at thirty knows nothing, and at forty has nothing, will lead a wretched old age.
680. He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.