2246 Spanish Proverbs / Page 31
601. Good, good, good, but God keep my ass out of his rye.
602. Good, that comes too late, is good as nothing.
603. Grain by grain the hen fills her crop.
604. Grasp all, lose all.
605. Grasp no more than thy hand will hold.
606. Grass doesn't grow on a busy street.
607. Great minds think alike.
608. Growing old is no more than another bad habit.
609. Guests always have nice backs.
610. Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.
611. Habits are first gossamer then cables.
612. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
613. Half the truth is often a whole lie.
614. Halfway is twelve miles when you have fourteen miles to go.
615. Happiness itself does not stay -- only moments of happiness do.
616. Happy the house in which there is no shaven crown.
617. Harm watch, harm catch.
618. Have a bill to pay at Easter, and your Lent will be short.
619. Have patience and the mulberry leaf will become satin.
620. He buys well who is not called a donkey.