68 Serbian Proverbs / Page 2
21. Everyone is worth more than his neighbor and less than his son.
22. Good deeds are the best prayer.
23. Grain by grain, a loaf; stone by stone, a castle.
24. He who drinks on credit, gets drunk twice.
25. I am scratching myself where I am itching.
26. If you can't hold on to the horse's mane then don't try to hang on to its tail.
27. If you humble yourself too much, you will get trampled on.
28. It does no harm now and then to burn a candle for the devil.
29. It is better to be threatened by the sword of a Turk than by the pen of a German.
30. It is better to make money in the straw market than to lose it in the money market.
31. It is difficult to find a man but it's easy to recognize him.
32. It is easier to believe than to go and ask.
33. It is easy to advise the wise.
34. It is easy to tempt a frog to the river.
35. It is not at the table but in prison that you learn who your true friends are.
36. It's better to blush once than to pale a hundred times.
37. Jealousy and fear have big eyes.
38. Let war be waged in the house of him who wants it.
39. Money and the devil know no rest.
40. Mother earth promised to tell her secrets to heaven.