1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 8
141. An auld mason makes a good barrow-man.
142. An auld pock is aye skailing.
143. An auld sack craves much clouting.
144. An idle brain is the devil's shop.
145. An ilka-day maks a sabbath-day daw.
146. An ill life, an ill end.
147. An ill plea should be well pled.
148. An ill servant ne'er prov'd a good master.
149. An ill shearer nexer gat a good hook.
150. An ill turn is soon done.
151. And a pennyworth o' herring.
152. And slip na certainty for howp.
153. Ane beats the bush, and anither grips the bird.
154. Ane is no sae soon heai'd as hurt.
155. Ane mans meat is another mans poyson.
156. Ane may bind a sack before it be fou'.
157. Ane never tines by doing good.
158. Ane will gar a thousand lie.
159. Anger's short-lived in a gude man.
160. Any port in a storm.