1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 67
1321. Ye have nothing to do but suck and wag your tail.
1322. Ye have owre foul feet to come sae far ben.
1323. Ye have owre meikle loose leather about your chafts.
1324. Ye have staid lang and brought little wi' you.
1325. Ye have ta'en the measure of his feet.
1326. Ye have tane't upon you as the wife did the dancing.
1327. Ye have the wrang sow by the lug.
1328. Ye have tint the tongue of the trump.
1329. Ye learn your father to get bairns.
1330. Ye live at the lug of the law.
1331. Ye look like a rinner, quo' the deil to the lobster.
1332. Ye look liker a thief than a horse.
1333. Ye maun spoil or ye spin.
1334. Ye may be heard where ye're no seen.
1335. Ye may dight your neb and fly up.
1336. Ye may drive the deil into a wife, but ye'll ne'er ding him oot o' her.
1337. Ye may gang farther and fare waur.
1338. Ye may not sit in Rome and strive with the Pope.
1339. Ye may take the head for the washing.
1340. Ye needna mak a causey tale o't.