1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 23
441. Glum or morose people are difficult to manage.
442. God keep ill gear out o' my hands; for if my hand ance get it, my heart winna part wi't, sae prayed the gude earl of eglinton.
443. God ne'er sent the mouth, but he sent the meat wi't.
444. Goe shoe the Geese.
445. Good company on a journey is worth a coach.
446. Good watch prevents harm.
447. Good-ware make a quick market.
448. Gowd may be dear coft.
449. Great barkers are nae biters.
450. Greed and envy are good neighbors.
451. Greed is envy's auldest brither: scraggy wark they mak thegither.
452. Gude foresight furthers wark.
453. Gude wares mak a quick market.
454. Guid will should be tean in pairt peyment.
455. Gut nae fish till ye get them.
456. Had a halfpenny is gear enough.
457. Hae gars a deaf man hear.
458. Hae you gear, or hae you nane, tine heart a' is gone.
459. Haggis and a loyal dog are all a man needs for happiness.
460. Hair and hair make the carlo's beard bare.