1393 Scottish Proverbs / Page 12
221. Better gie the slight than tak it.
222. Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt.
223. Better hae than want.
224. Better half an egg than empty shells.
225. Better half hanged than ill married.
226. Better hand loose nor bound to an ill bakie.
227. Better hand loose than in an ill tethering.
228. Better haud wi' the hounds than rin wi' the hare.
229. Better keep the devil at the door than turn him out of the house.
230. Better keep weel than make weel.
231. Better keep well than make well.
232. Better kiss a knave than cast out wi' him.
233. Better lang something than soon naething.
234. Better leave to my faes than beg frae my friends.
235. Better not remove at all than do so and then regret it.
236. Better rough an' sonsy than bare an' donsy.
237. Better rue sit than rue flit.
238. Better saucht w' little aucht than care wi' mony cows.
239. Better saut than sour.
240. Better sit idle than work for nought.