839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 7
121. An oleit Mother makes a fweir Daughter.
122. An ounce of mother-wit, is worth a pound of clergie.
123. An unch is a feast.
124. An unhappy mans Cairt is eith to tumble.
125. And old hound bytes fair.
126. Ane Begger is wae, another by the gate gae.
127. Ane ill word begets another, and it were at at the Bridge at London.
128. Ane mans meat is another mans poyson.
129. Ane may lead a Horse to the water, but four and twenty cannot gar him drink.
130. Ane Swallow makes no summer.
131. Ane year a Nurish, seven years a Daw.
132. Ane's ain hearth is goud's worth.
133. Anes pay it never crave it.
134. Anes wood, never wise, ay the worse.
135. As fair fights Wrans as Cranes.
136. As fair greits the bairn that is dung after noon, as he that is dung before noon.
137. As good hads the stirep as he that loups on.
138. As good haud, as draw.
139. As good merchant tines as wins.
140. As long as ye bear the tod, ye man bear up his tail.