839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 31
601. Over great familiarity genders despight.
602. Over high, over laigh.
603. Over hot, over cold.
604. Over jolly dow not.
605. Over meikle of any thing is good for nothing.
606. Over narrow counting culzies no kindnesse.
607. Painters and Poets may have leave to lie.
608. Patience perforce.
609. Penny wise, pound fool.
610. Peter in, and Paul out.
611. Pith is good in all Playes.
612. Play with your peers.
613. Plenty, is na Dainty.
614. Poor men are fain of little thing.
615. Poor men have no souls.
616. Possession is worth an ill chartour.
617. Poverty parts good company, and is an enemy to vertue.
618. Preists and Doves, make foul houses.
619. Pride and sweirnesse would have meikle upholding.
620. Pride will have a fall.